after BKK trip
I had a bad sickness after coming back from Bangkok. While waiting for our flight, me and my bestpal has Burger King's. Shortly, my stomach was in knots.
My stomach is famous for having the spin cycle. Apparently, I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome brought on by depression (that will be another story to be told another time). Every small little thing can trigger the spin cycle. Being nervous, after some meal, being stressed, being angry.
In the plane, they served dinner. It was some chicken in sesame oil kinda smell meal. The spin cycle went on double speed.
After touchdown, I went back home and realised I was running a fever. I went to see my doctor. He told me that I have stomach flu, gastric flu and lots of wind. I was also vomitting.
The next day i was on mc. I had diarrhoea too. The third day I went back to work. All these while, my stomach was on a spin cycle.
On the fourth day, after persistant spin cycle & diarrhoea, I decided to see my company doctor before going to work. The clinic is located at International Plaza.
My grouch is the distance between my office and IP is really far. Maybe around 15-20 mins walk. If anyone who sees the doctor may die in the process of walking, I won't be surprised.
That day, the lift broke down. It was raining and I guess it was a power failure. They have 3 sections of lifts which serves different floors. Each section has 6 lift, and only 1 was working. It took me 40 mins to get up to 30+ storey. Time check: 9.40am.
Upon reaching, the clinic was not open due to the fact that the staff were still trapped on ground level. There were several people waiting to see the doctor. I sat down and had a short nap. The doctor arrived eventually and open the doors of the clinic. Time check: 10.30am.
Finally my turn came and I had to wait for the staff to get up here so that they can dispense me the medication. Time check:11.00am.
Someone did arrived and I got my medication. Time check: 11.15am.
The lifts where still out of service, and a couple before me decided to try the stairs in the dark. They must have been desperate. I decided to wait. After a while, the lifts were back in service. Time check: 11.35am.
I reach the ground floor and decided to buy some bread for breakfast as I was feeling hungry. Upon first bite, a call came in on my mobile and while taking the call, my bread fell to the floor. Time check: 11.45am.
I reached office 12noon. 3 hours wasted.