the daily struggles of Junior with his skin problems

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

no title

whilst I was not posting anything since July, did anyone in the world-of-invisible missed me?


I said world-of-invisible is only because no one reads my blog. If you are reading it, be thankful that you are the one and only person. A medal of honour awaits u. From me. To you. Sincerly. Blah. Blah.

My friend told me just now that my blog is boring cuz I hardly add entries. He added that if he never add in an entry in his blog, people will msn him to ask why.

1. His friends are sure damn KAYPOH
2. Big deal about his blog.
3. Its not xiaxue anyway, so what?
4. Does it taste a lil' bit sour in here?
5. I'm not jealous. Not at all
6. Mine is way better!! WAY WAY BETTER!!
7. Time for medication


Blogger kaitlynn said...

I do come by to read your blog all the time.
It's bookmarked as my Favorites in my browser.

I do realise you didnt post for some time..but I didnt ask coz i figured you didnt have much to rant bt...LOL

11:10 AM


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