the daily struggles of Junior with his skin problems

Saturday, September 02, 2006

full circle

I should be posting about my dog.

But I didn't.

I love him. Few years ago, a very dear and close person to me asked if I were to choose him or my dog. Without hesitation, I replied "Junior".

Well, needless to say, that person was disappointed.

People ask me why I have such strong opinions about dogs. Honestly, I don't know.

Once, I told my colleague off when she said that she wanted her pet dog to mate with another.
In order for the male and the bitch to mate, the breeder must assess both of them to make sure they possess quality traits, so as the offsprings will be of top notch kind.

Fuck off if you are unsure of your pets' traits. It takes experience to know. Tests are run to make sure they do not have genes for cancer, bone diseases, etc.

I don't think I have such experience in this area so I won't say much on it.

But all in all, breeding will only cause over population, in turn more strays on the road. That's the reason why SPCA advocates sterilization.

Don't breed for the money. Sell your ass, sell your body, sell you soul if you need the money that desperately.

Anyway, enough of my rants, back to Junior.

Few years ago, when I lost all hope (broke up with ex boyfriend, family problems, money problems, a job that sux), Junior was my constant companion. He will lick up my tears, lie down at my feet when I cry myself out. Just the thought of him will makes me smile.

And I have decided to get a tattoo about Junior. When and where, I'm not sure. But I'll get down to it eventually.